Saturday, March 27, 2010

Our Trip to Silver Dollar City was a ton of fun. Hayden is a daredevil and rode everything his 37 inch height would allow. He just giggled through the kids rollercoaster. He can't wait to go back more this summer. To make it more fun, his friends Luke, Aubrey, Asher, Maggie, Kinsey, and AJ were all there too.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In Sickness and in Health

I now see why our wedding vows say in sickness and in health. For the last 2 weeks, the Cheek household has had its fair share of sicknesses. Thank goodness for my mother's help. It started out with Hayden getting bronchiolitis and then passing it to Hudson. Hudson was so sick we spent an afternoon and eveing in the ER. Both boys were on breathing treatments for several days when fevers came back. Hayden ended up with strep throat, Hudson had double ear infection. Two days later Steve, my mom and I were all at the walk in clinic over the weekend getting swabbed for strep, and yes, we all had it! It was miserable. Now we are all on the mend and trying to enjoy spring break. Hudson had his 2 month check up a couple weeks late. He is 14 pounds, 8 ounces and is 26 inches long already. He is wearing all of Hayden's 6 month clothes and even some of those are getting small. Hayden is growing up so fast and amazes me daily with his language skills. He asked me today after school if he could "Please have something unheatlhy for snack when we got home." He cracks me up. He is excited for a trip to Silver Dollar City on Friday with all of my SLP friends and their kids. I will post more pictures of the trip once we return.

Before you watch the video, please disregard the kind words Steve and I are displaying as I filmed. The cooing was too cute, even if we sounded like total idiots.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Urgent Care

Last night was a long night with a trip to the urgent care for Hayden. Turns out he had bronchiolitis. They said its pretty much like RSV. He was given a breathing treatment and sent home. We had to buy a nebulizer and give him treatments 4 times a day. He is being a trooper taking the treatments. So far, Hudson has steered clear of it. Hudson is doing great and still growing like a weed. He is adjusting to Meemaw's house each day. He is taking bottles pretty good and I have had more than enough milk that I am having to freeze some of it. I have started running again outside. The boys liked their first trip in the doulbe jogger. Its a really tough workout pushing the double up the hills in our neighborhood. That is just what I need. The other pictures show Hudson on some tummy time. He really likes his tummy which is quite different than Hayden. Hudson is doing great with sleeping usually sleeping from 8:30 until 4 before he needs to eat. WHAT A TREAT FOR ME!!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Smiles and Coos

Hudson has really started to take on his own personality. He is smiling and cooing all the time and there is no other word for him other than a "chunk." He goes to the doctor for his 2 month check over springbreak, but I think he is about 15 pounds now. I am back at work and adjusting to getting 2 kids ready to leave the house everyday by 6:45.....not an easy task. My mom is doing great corraling both boys. I hope they are not wearing her out!